iPhone is famous for its advanced technology and high quality. We manufacture the iPhone 6 Texas Poker Card Scanner to provide our customers with high quality enjoyment.

This iPhone 6 poker cheat scanner has all the functionality of a real iPhone, including making calls, sending text messages, and surfing the Internet. The only difference is that it has a camera that scans barcode cards and a signal transmitter inside it. The barcode mark reader is hidden inside the phone, visible through the phone case, and scans the invisible code marks on the edge of the marked cheat cards. So from the looks of this iPhone6, you can’t see the sidemark barcode reader unless you open the phone’s shell to see it.

The scanning distance of this iphone6 texas poker card scanner is from 10cm to 50cm. However, within this scanning distance, it has been split into several parts to better suit the placed position.

The power that supports the barcode fraud card camera comes from the mobile phone itself. So you don’t need to buy extra batteries for your cheat card scanner. And poker prediction software is also set in the iPhone. This means that having just one smartphone increases his chances of getting rich in a short period of time.

nice? try it.

Weight 0.1 kg


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