Marked Decks

Marked Card Scanning System
Marked cards for poker scanner systems are produced in the same way as above. Poker scanners or poker analyzers can read these marked cards with codes on all four sides. They provide a 100 percent accurate answer in 0.1 seconds. Can our eyes, or contact lenses, read the code on marked cards? The scanning system is the only way to decode marked cards. Any kind of poker card can be converted into marked cards to use with poker scanning system.

Infrared camera marked cards
You can expect to find these cards in your local store. They are marked with an infrared scanner, which will only reveal the card in the display screen. This type of cheating card has the highest level of security, even though the marking patterns are identical to the second marking cards that we discussed above. They can only be read by an infrared cheating device. To fully benefit from it, you also need the best partner. You can then take total control of the game you play.

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