sport watch poker camera lens

Treating a sports watch as a poker scanner is no small feat. In particular, it must maintain its original functionality to avoid suspicion from other players. With its popular rubber material, this black minimalist design smart sports watch poker camera has garnered a lot of interest from poker players. The biggest attraction is not only the stylish and lightweight appearance, but also the accuracy and speed of reading sidemark cards.

This sports watch poker camera lens is used to scan barcode playing cards and works with a variety of poker analyzer devices. It is somewhat different from other poker scanners such as wallet scan camera, power bank poker reader, kerkey poker scan camera. It was designed for card dealers who would distribute marked cards to each player. So the scanning distance is as short as his 8-15 cm, which is the best scanning distance when you hold a card marked with invisible ink in your hand.

The perfect look and great functionality make it a great addition to poker games and magic shows.

Weight 0.1 kg


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