The latest watch scanning camera has a nice look that will be a fashionable combination with your outfit. Not to mention reading invisible ink barcode marking decks with the Magic Mark Card Trick Watch scanning camera.
The latest clock scan camera is different from other clock mark trump scanners because it contains mercury inside the clock. Turning the dial plate on the poker table turns off the scanning camera inside the watch, and shifting the dial plate again turns on the hidden poker camera. Being able to control the on/off of the camera and turn off the power energy of the scan lens of the watch is very convenient. To some extent it is safer.
The Watch Poker Camera with Mercury Switch works with all generations of poker analyzer devices such as PK King Trump Analyzer, AKK Poker Card Analyzer, CVK Poker Analyzer. Suitable for poker games such as Texas Hold’em, Omaha and Baccarat. In private poker rooms and casino games.

Weight 0.1 kg


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